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The thorny demon in “The Masked Singer” 2022: audiences are clicking on him

The thorny demon in “The Masked Singer” 2022: audiences are clicking on him

  • The Masked Singer premiered its sixth season on March 19, 2022.
  • As usual, there’s a new episode every Saturday that you can seriously guess about. So that you don’t miss an episode, you’ll find an overview of start times and broadcast dates here.
  • Little by little all the new costumes will be announced. In the overview of all masks 2022, there is a summary of all the important information.

Video: The first three masks in The Masked Singer 2022

A musician may be under a thorn in the 2022 movie The Masked Singer. At least that’s what some Instagram users, who have already thought of the secretive star in a costume, suspect. The Thorny Devil is one of the three new Season 6 masks previously announced.

“The Masked Singer”: 2022 Who is behind the thorn?

These are the top five tips from the ProSieben app:

Mark Keeler: 71%

Hartmut Engler: 5%

Bella B Felsenheimer: 5%

Michael Patrick Kelly 2%

Paul Janke: 1%

As of April 9, 2022

This is what the counseling team says

Are the fans on the right track with their advice? At least the guest review Giovanni Zarella in Episode 2 is pretty sure of the prickly devil. suspected to be “superman” and the actor in costume; She is a crowd favorite by Mark Keeler. That will only become clear when the secret behind the thorny devil is revealed.

In Episode 3, at least Rhea Garvey deviates from Mark Keeler’s advice. “This week has been less than Mark Keeler, who has gotten me off the right track,” the singer says. However, he really didn’t know who the demon demon could be instead.

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Ruth Mochner, who played Mark Keeler’s wife in an acting role, could also imagine Til Schweiger in Dorntofell. Council guest Carolyn Quebecos says she was introduced to the shape of Thorsten Stratter’s body under the prickly devil.

And even in Episode 4, the guessing team is still not sure and they are entering new names. Rhea is sure: With this self-confidence, it should be a bachelor’s degree. Betting on Paul Yankee. Ruth suspects there is an alarm for an 11 Cobra representative behind the mask and only explains, “If it wasn’t my ex, it must have been Patrick Bach. Board guest Linda Zervakis brings Bella B from the doctors. What do you think?”

Secrets of the new mask

The Thorn Devil has intrigued many fans. They are excited by the richness of outfit details and suspect a male star behind the majestic stature – but aren’t sure. After all, “The Masked Singer” has a few surprises in store every season.

See what you can discover this year every Saturday at 8:15 p.m. on ProSieben and Joyn.

Guessing the new season

The Thorn Devil isn’t the only mask fueling the rumor mill. Here you can find more about speculation, for example about zebras and seagulls:

>> Tip: Want to learn more about animals? You can find interesting and knowledgeable things in Galileo’s article about Thorny Demons, Secret and Mysterious Inhabitants of the Desert Read.