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This New Prince Makes the Luxury Zone Unsafe in the Reboot of the Drama 'Bel-Air'!

This New Prince Makes the Luxury Zone Unsafe in the Reboot of the Drama 'Bel-Air'!

In the 1990s, Will Smith became world famous as the “Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.” The hit sitcom ran on screens for six seasons and told the story of young Will, who moves to Los Angeles to live with his rich uncle. Now, a new prince is making the posh area unsafe – in the reboot of the drama “Bel-Air.”

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The real Will Smith is also involved in the reboot.

The story is pretty much the same: because young Will is going down the wrong path, his mother sends the teenager from the poor area to live with his wealthy relatives in Bel Air. There he will bump into the wealthy upper class and have to adapt.

So far, so much is known. However, there is one thing that is very different about the reboot of the series “Bel-Air” from what it was originally: it is not a sitcom, but a drama series.

At an average of 42 minutes per episode, the serious side of Will's life is highlighted and we get to see entirely new sides of the characters.

No one other than the prince himself was involved in the idea of ​​the reboot: actor Will Smith is producing the series with Morgan Cooper.

This is Bel Air.

It arrives
Will arrives in the world of the rich and famous and his cousin immediately gives him a makeover.© / “Bel Air”

The self-proclaimed “King of West Philly” gets good grades and can look forward to a bright future as a basketball player. But suddenly he is torn away from his familiar surroundings, away from his friends and his beloved home. The reason for this is a fight with a gangster on the streets. He will allow himself to be provoked and get into trouble.

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Fearing for her son, his mother is forced to send Will to live with her wealthy family in Bel Air. It's the end of the world for Will, who hasn't heard from his relatives in Los Angeles in years.

Will must adapt and find his way in the new world of the rich and famous. It is not an easy task, but it is exciting and often very entertaining.

You can watch two seasons of “Bel-Air” for free on Joyn.