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US imposes sanctions on top Cuban officials – dpa

US imposes sanctions on top Cuban officials – dpa

WWashington (AP) – The US government has three top Caribbean officials to quell the recent mass protests in Cuba. Obstacles Proved.

Two of them work in the Armed Forces Department, one in the Interior Department, the U.S. Treasury Department announced Thursday.

“Cuban security forces have arrested more than 800 people in response to the protests,” the US State Department said. The head of the home ministry is responsible for the treatment and shelter of prisoners. From the Ministry of the Armed Forces, the Commander-in-Chief of the Central Army and the Deputy Chief of Civil Service are affected by the sanctions. All three are on human rights charges. As a result of the sanctions, any property of the victims was confiscated in the United States.

The U.S. government recently imposed a number of sanctions on Cuba and targeted the Cuban police. On July 11, thousands of Cubans took to the streets arbitrarily in several cities for independence, against the oppressive and deficient economy. There have been no such struggles in the island nation for decades.

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