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Ozdemir wants to become Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg

USA: Damaged Patriot battery back on

The Patriot air defense system that was damaged in Ukraine has returned to full operation, the US Department of Defense has said. “I can confirm that one Patriot system was damaged, but it has now been repaired and is fully operational again,” Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh said in Washington yesterday.

According to Russia, the battery defending the capital Kiev was almost completely destroyed by the Russian army. The Defense Ministry in Moscow, citing “reliably confirmed data”, reiterated that the May 16 attack by a Kinsal (German: Dolch) type hypersonic missile destroyed not only the battery’s radar guidance system, but also five launch pads. .

Ukraine has acquired systems developed by various Western countries to strengthen its anti-aircraft defenses, including US Patriots. These are considered to be the most modern weapons in this area. Recent Russian airstrikes have primarily targeted Ukraine’s anti-aircraft systems.

LONDON: Cruise missiles are already deployed

Meanwhile, Ukraine has reportedly already deployed British-supplied Storm Shadow cruise missiles. “My understanding is that they have been used since we announced the handover to Ukraine,” British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace said.

With the missiles, Ukraine would have the opportunity to strike Russian command centers that have been pushed back in fear of artillery systems such as the US HIMARS multiple rocket launcher. The minister did not provide further details.

In addition, Wallace said the cruise missiles are a form of replacement for the fact that the West has yet to provide Ukraine with the fighter jets it has requested. “If you can’t provide fighter jets, can you help deliver the things that fighter jets do? Yes, we can, we can do that in Storm Shadow,” Wallace said.

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