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Why is the coldest place in the universe located on Earth?

Why is the coldest place in the universe located on Earth?

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Why is the coldest place in the universe located on Earth?
It’s unimaginably cold out there in space. But there is a place on our Earth where it is much colder. (Avatar) © Robert Seitz/Imago

Temperatures in space are -270 degrees. But there is a place where it is colder, and that is on Earth. We solve the temperature puzzle.

FRANKFURT – So-called microwave background radiation can be found throughout the entire universe. It’s the remnants of the Big Bang. Like the light we can see, these are also electromagnetic waves. However, microwave ovens have that German Aerospace Center (DLR), a wavelength between 1 meter and 1 millimeter (= one-thousandth of a meter). On the other hand, the wavelength of light is between 380 and 780 nanometers (= one billionth of a meter).

Microwave background radiation keeps the temperature of space constant

Using the laws of physics known today, space research is able to describe the formation of our universe shortly after the Big Bang. high DLR The temperatures were very high there at first. However, as the universe expanded, the temperature dropped significantly – to around -270°C today.

As space expanded, the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation expanded as well – to the microwave range between 1 meter and 1 millimeter. According to measurements, this radiation now penetrates evenly throughout the entire universe. For this reason, there is also talk of “background radiation.” Any colder object would be instantly “heated” by radiation to a space temperature of -270 degrees Celsius DLR.

Is it colder on Earth than in the universe?

So couldn’t there be colder places in our universe? Yes, if it is sealed and cooled effectively. Absolute zero, the theoretical lowest temperature, is still three degrees lower than the temperature of space – at -273 degrees Celsius.

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In private laboratories, where matter can be cooled using complex processes, low-temperature physicists can reach absolute zero down to a few millionths of a degree. That’s why the coldest place in the universe is on our Earth. But who knows: Maybe an extraterrestrial civilization somewhere in a laboratory is working on a way to reach temperatures closer to absolute zero. (fave)