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400 years of Molière: perhaps the most recent classic of all – dpa

400 years of Molière: perhaps the most recent classic of all – dpa

saris (dpa) – in the comedy “Der Miser” Moliere mocks greed, in “Tartuffe” he mocks religious hypocrites and in the play “Der Bürger als Edelmann” he mocks the desire to be more than one.

With Molière, one of the most important poets was born in France 400 years ago – universally one of the most played and read authors worldwide. Because he mocks in his work the weakness of people and their vices. And they haven’t changed much since then.

Molière was born in Paris in January 1622. January 15 is generally considered the date of birth of the actor, theater director and playwright. For some biographers, he is said to have been in Paris that day a church Saint Eustache only to be baptized. Whether he saw the light of day on January 15 as the son of Tapiessier de Roi, a royal decorator, or received a religious ablution as Jean-Baptiste Poquelin: The Paris Comédie-Francis Théâtre de la Molière begins on January 15. “Tartuffe” about fanatical hypocrites and ideologues.

It’s France’s most traditional theater, also known as the House of Molière, although the overall talent – he has written works, directed and played the main roles – died seven years before its founding. The theater was built in 1680 at the request Ludwig XIV. The union of two forces, including the playwright who died on February 17, 1673.

In France, Molière is considered a national hero. As a synonym for French, the term Molière became popular in the 18th century. Until then, his works were carried out beyond the borders of France. Introduced comedy, once considered a subgenre, equals tragedy. However, Molière’s goal of enlightening people through sarcasm and wit also earned him many enemies.

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