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Actor Lucas Englander calls on people to protest against…

Actor Lucas Englander calls on people to protest against…

“Being Together” is the name of the actor’s initiative. It’s about “looking at each other and listening to each other” in Vienna. The meeting place is at 3:00 pm in the Human Rights Square.

His grandfather once tried to stop Hitler, then had to flee the Nazis. He himself recently starred in the Netflix series “Transatlantic,” which tells how young men tried to bring Jewish intellectuals to safety in the 1940s.

Now actor Lucas Englander sees himself responsible in light of current events and “divided streets.” “Being Together” is the name of his initiative, which is now supported by a small group, including broadcaster Jan Drach, actress Meriem Hadj, art student Emma Gioia Enzi, and photographer Michael Schulte. It is hoped that all people of all origins and religious beliefs living in Austria “will live in peace and friendship with each other,” a statement said. It’s about “looking at each other and listening to each other rather than polarizing, and understanding that we’re all here together,” says Englander, who was recently nominated for Austrian of the Year for his international success.

On Friday, the initiative invites you to observe a “minute of silence” with white flags or white clothes. The meeting point is 3pm in the Human Rights Square at the beginning of Mariahilfer Straße. (he-goat)

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