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APA: Artificial Intelligence filter for accurate image search

APA: Artificial Intelligence filter for accurate image search

The newly developed AI-based people filter speeds up the image search process on

Can artificial intelligence be used to determine exactly what is visible in an image? To answer this question in the affirmative, one thing is needed above all: targeted training of the AI ​​model for visual image recognition. On www.picturedesk, trustworthy, media-specific AI speeds up the process of searching for photos of people.

APA-PictureDesk has a massive image trove of nearly 60 million images – and 15,000 new images are added every day. Quantities where keyword-based full-text searching often reaches its limits. How can AI help here?

Quick search for images
The newly developed People filter from APA-PictureDesk, APA’s photo agency, uses metadata generated with an AI model to speed up editorial searches. Images of people of public interest, such as athletes, politicians or artists, are trained into the system and therefore accessible. The development of an AI service is based on expert assessment of all legally necessary requirements and their fulfillment APA’s AI Guidelines regarding trustworthy AI And APA values ​​high-quality journalism.

Luzia Strohmaier-Nassif, Head of the Visual Office at APA: “By integrating the new people search filter, we ensure that the desired image is filtered from the comprehensive image pool in the shortest possible time.”

The new filter uses artificial intelligence
The result: a sophisticated combination of standard keyword-based full-text search with AI-powered image search that makes search results more accurate. This ensures, for example, that search results are reduced to those images in which the desired person can actually be seen. In total, the AI ​​has been trained with 1,000 people, and the person index will be expanded to 3,000 by the end of the year.

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“By incorporating the new search filter, we ensure that the desired image is filtered from the comprehensive image collection in the shortest possible time,” explains Luzia Strohmaier-Nassif, Head of the Visual Office at APA. “For this to work, the development focus was on extensive training of the algorithms using appropriate data in order to rule out distortions or incorrect search results.”

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) filter has recently become available to all Photo Portal users They can also be provided to media clients using an API service to process their image collections. It is also an integral part of the new image editing system APA-PIX. As a software as a service, this AI-powered image management system provides all the technical requirements for managing and archiving structured image data.