In an open letter, prominent cultural figures such as Wolfgang Ambros, Verena Altenberger and Miriam Weichelbraun called for “an effective and socially just climate protection law.”
A number of local artists are writing an open letter to the federal government encouraging action on climate protection. In the letter signed by Wolfgang Ambros, Ursula Strauss, Verena Altenberger, Hubert von Goisern, Stefan Rozowiecki, Tobias Moretti, and Miriam Weichelbraun, among others, they called for “an effective and socially just law for climate protection,” expansion of public transportation, and more renewable energies. High carbon dioxide emissions.
It said at the beginning: “Europe has never seen a summer like the summer of 2023.” Devastating fires broke out across the continent, and at the same time many regions were affected by severe weather disasters. “Despite all the serious impacts of the man-made climate crisis, the Austrian government has so far refused to adopt the necessary measures and laws within its sphere of influence to stop global warming,” the government’s inaction is criticized.
Climate protection measures, even before the election campaign
The necessary solutions are available, but under current framework conditions, the 1.5 degree target set in the Paris Agreement for climate protection is “practically unattainable”. Instead, humanity is currently heading towards a 3-degree rise in global temperature. “We call on the government to take the extremely critical situation seriously, and adopt the necessary laws and climate protection measures before the election campaign begins and new elections are held in Austria.” Also supported by Fridays For Future Austria. (Abba)
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