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FAZ: A third film about Sebastian Kurz will be released

FAZ: A third film about Sebastian Kurz will be released

While the two films were recently released about the former ÖVP president and former chancellor Sebastian Short To continue sparking discussions, there will be another dialogue soon Third documentation Show up soon. According to a report by the newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) (Online), the film is said to be… “Sebastian Kurz – the truth” (“The Truth”) by Croatian director Jakov Sedlar Still this week Out.

The film is based on the authorized biography of Curtis

Sedlar told “FAZ” on Tuesday that producing the film was his own idea and initiative. He thinks Curtis is “a very interesting character.” According to the newspaper’s report, the film’s script comes from journalist Judith Grauman, who wrote an authorized biography about Kurz in 2019. According to Seidler, the budget of the film, which will be released in German and English, is about 350,000 euros. The media report did not mention the source of the funds.

The director was criticized for his previous documentary

The Croatian director and producer has produced several documentaries since the 1980s. His 2016 film “Jasenovac – The Truth” about the extermination camp of the same name in the fascist Croatian Ustasha state NDH (1941-1945) sparked controversy. Critics accused the director of taking a selective look at history and downplaying the Ustaše crimes.

After the documentaries “Project Ballhausplatz” and “Kurz – Der Film”, Sedlar’s film will be the third film about the former chancellor’s political life, which will be released in September.