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Final Terraria update now also on Nintendo Switch • Nintendo Connect

Final Terraria update now also on Nintendo Switch • Nintendo Connect

Journey’s End Update for Nintendo Switch Version of terraria Is there! By the way, Nintendo Switch Online members will soon be able to try the game as a demo game, as Nintendo Switch Online offers members the opportunity terraria Play for free from January 26 to February 1, 2022. The full version costs €29.99.

terrariaDeveloped by Re-Logic (PC) and DR Studios (console/mobile) and distributed by 505 Games, it kicks off the new year with the release of the highly anticipated Journey’s End update for the Nintendo Switch. Here you can watch a trailer from September 2021:

The update shows the constant dedication that has led to terraria Winner of Labor of Love on Steam in 2021, more than a decade after the original release on PC, and Mobile Game of the Year at the Tap Tap Game Awards:

“Terraria is a great example of the benefits of having a development studio and publisher dedicated to supporting the community and direct dialogue,” he said. Neil Raleigh, President of 505 Games.

Journey’s End expands the already awesome board of thousands of items, dozens of NPCs and hundreds of enemies with more content, new features and much more:

  • touch screen-supports
  • tabletop mode for players
  • new enemies, less new bosses and amazing new events, which one can find and pass on
  • Comfort Features (Block Swap, Void Vault, Boss Health Bars, customizable interface and more)
  • Atmosphere and weather effects Playing a bigger role than ever (beware the winds blow!)
  • a brutal, which lets you keep track of the enemies, allies and creatures you’ve hit
  • Additional biomes and micro biomes Underground and above ground to explore
  • Golf, a fun pastimeWhen you need a break from hunting monsters
  • columns in villages And Happy NPCs Expand the village system. You can even gain the ability to build a teleportation network to villages anywhere in the world
  • revised graphics And interface improvements, including customizable split screen interface
  • new music Including the all-new Journey’s End theme and the winning track in terraria– Music competition by Xenon and DSniper
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