With Firefox 108.0 and Firefox 102.6 ESR, Mozilla has released two new versions of its popular open source browser for Windows, macOS and Linux. Background tabs now use Windows 11’s efficiency mode and the WebMIDI API for musicians, a new experimental mechanism.
Firefox 108.0 and Firefox 102.6 ESR released
Exactly one month after the release of Firefox 107.0 and the extended support release Firefox 102.5 ESR, on which the new Tor Browser 12.0 is also based, the developers of Mozilla Foundation Firefox 108.0 and Firefox 102.6 ESR released for download. Even if the official release notes haven’t been published yet, the editors have already made the changes.
Updated WebMIDI tabs and background
In addition to improvements to the WebMIDI API, which makes it easier for musicians to use online MIDI tools, and Background Tabs, which now use Efficiency Mode within Windows 11 to save resources, more changes are included in the release.
- Import maps, which allow websites to control the behavior of JavaScript imports, are now enabled by default.
- Firefox now supports correct color correction of tagged images using ICCv4 profiles.
- The Shift + Esc keyboard shortcut now opens the Process Manager and provides a way to quickly identify resource-intensive processes.
- Processes used in background tabs now use Efficiency Mode on Windows 11 to reduce resource usage.
- The bookmarks toolbar’s default setting “Only display in new tabs” works correctly even with empty new tabs. As before, you can change the behavior of the bookmarks bar via the toolbar’s context menu.
- Improved handling of non-ASCII characters when saving and printing PDF forms.
- Firefox now supports the WebMIDI API along with a new experimental mechanism for controlling access to critical functionality.
Of particular note is the support for correct color correction of images marked with the corresponding ICCv4 profiles, as well as the improvement of the process manager, which now also provides the option to identify and terminate resource-intensive processes.
Modifications for developers in the fields of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Media, WebRTC and Web Audio have Mozilla in two separate sections as usual Release notes pointed out. The two new versions were officially released today via the update function and can then be downloaded via Anwendungsmenü → Hilfe → Über Firefox
retrieved and installed accordingly.
Download on ComputerBase
As usual, Mozilla Firefox 108.0 and Mozilla Firefox 102.6 ESR can be downloaded from the ComputerBase download area directly below this message.
4.6 stars
Firefox is a free browser from the non-profit Mozilla Foundation with many add-ons.
- Version 108.0 German
- Version 102.6.0 ESR German
“Social media evangelist. Baconaholic. Devoted reader. Twitter scholar. Avid coffee trailblazer.”
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