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Halo Infinite: Cross-play turned off due to cheater/hacker issue?

Halo Infinite: Cross-play turned off due to cheater/hacker issue?

Halo Infinite Multiplayer beta released November 15, 2021 – (C) Xbox, 343 Industries

How to disable cross-play in Halo Infinite? Not at all now, and that’s to the chagrin of some Xbox gamers. More and more reports are talking about hackers in Halo Infinite Multiplayer. More and more players are asking for one Deactivate cross-play between PC and Xbox consoles so that Halo Infinite cheats and hackers are eliminated, at least for console players!

When you start a multiplayer shooter game on PC, it is really only a matter of time before hackers and cheats appear. Games like Battlefield, Call of Duty, and Fortnite can tell songs about it. It is currently not clear if Halo Infinite will use anti-cheat during the beta phase, but it seems that more and more hackers are finding their way into the game.

I Hello Superdite There is already a small selection of different Infinite aura pirates at work! clips appear Classic hacks like aimbots and wallhacks. Players are especially excited because there is currently no “report” button, which means that players who are currently cheating will come out fine.

So the demands of gamers are clear: Interference between PCs and Xbox consoles must be eliminated. Although there are “magic drives” that improve console intent, it’s generally more difficult to cheat than on a PC. Therefore, those who play on Xbox try to reduce the chances of encountering hackers.

Disabling cross-play in Halo Infinite: When will 343 Industries respond?

In the current beta state, the shooter does not offer a “deactivate cross-play” functionality, but the 343 should do so as quickly as possible. Only in Ranked Mode is there the possibility of opposing mouse/keyboard or console players, but it’s still different than giving players the opportunity to turn off the entire platform.

It’s entirely possible that Halo Infinite could offer this multiplayer ability to disable cross-play.

Dr Disrespect is worried about hackers in Halo Infinite

Famous American Banners disrespect for the doctor He also became one of the cheaters in The latest Halo game He expressed. In a recent tweet, he offered his predictions for a first-person shooter at 343 Industries if the hack and cheat scam isn’t fixed soon. He also talks about Call of Duty: Warzone and Halo Infinite may soon get stuck in the same dilemma if the developer doesn’t master the situation.

The operator said that the problem got so bad in Battle Royale that people started to suspect the whole thing because it might be a scam. According to Doc, the situation has developed into a “massive hacking movement ‘that nobody wants’.”


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While The Doctor has been criticizing the game for the past few weeks, he admitted that he enjoyed playing it and broadcasting the gameplay.

The famous streamer is known to complain of all kinds of problems, but he is not alone in this matter. 343 Industries also has to do something else when it comes to leather.

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Original article from November 19:

Halo Infinite Multiplayer Beta really has a cheater issue!

New engine, new game. Apparently, these factors are not a problem for hackers. Halo Infinite already has cheaters in the game.

According to some rumors, after the twentieth anniversary celebrations of Xbox and Halo, it will start Halo Infinite Multiplayer Beta. Starting November 15, players on Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and Windows PC can pre-access the multiplayer mode of the upcoming game Halo. But there are already the first problems: Cheater in Infinite Halo.

With the start of the multiplayer beta, there’s also the first gear-focused Battle Pass from Halo Reach. 343 Industries, the developer behind the game, is planning to add more and more new challenges and improve the speed of progression. But this should already occupy itself 343, lest he be overwhelmed by cheaters. A story that many free shooters know.

Aimbots and other gadgets also work in Halo Infinite, like a video from ZLep Twitter offers.


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Halo Infinite: The first cheats after a few days

How does it happen that such a new game actually has cheaters? ZLep asked the opposing player and gave him a sloppy answer: he’s using a controller.

This helps him to aim better and look for opponents in the arena, so to speak. ZLep notes this process in game replay mode.

343 Industries should act fast, because the video shown is a tidy game after all. Halo Infinite fans are hoping the situation won’t deteriorate as it did with Call of Duty: Warzone, although a lot has improved after the new anti-cheat program after the release of Vanguard.

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infinite aura Officially released on December 8, 2021 for Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and Windows PC / Steam. The multiplayer beta can now be played for free on these platforms.