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New Year’s Eve party in Vienna – dpa

New Year’s Eve party in Vienna – dpa

MNew Year’s party from Vienna awaits this time with many premieres. That’s how it will be girls choir From the Vienna Boys Choir to a global television audience for the first time. In addition, according to the orchestra’s director Daniel Froschauer, the Vienna Philharmonic will almost exclusively play pieces that were not on the program at the New Year’s Concert.

Frochauer said another innovation could be envisaged in the medium term with a woman at the desk. “We are not dinosaurs who want it to die at some point,” he told dpa. On January 1, Franz Wilser Most will conduct a waltz and polka dot.

Frochauer said the orchestra continues to work with excellent midwives, such as Germany’s Johanna Mallwitz, at the last three festivals in Salzburg. However, according to Froschauer, the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra only invites conductors to their New Year’s concert after they have worked with them for at least ten years. The Orchestra Council said “the New Year’s Concert is an enormous challenge” for both musicians and conductors.

The Vienna Boys Choir will perform for the first time with the Vienna Choir Girls at their New Year’s Eve concert on January 1 at the Concert in the Vienna Musikverein. “It’s very significant,” former choir-boy Frochauer said of the signaling effect of this performance. While the boys’ choir celebrates its 25th anniversary in 2023, the girls’ choir was only founded in 2004. “They are very excited,” said boys’ choir spokeswoman Tina Breckoldt, describing the young singers’ anticipation for the concert, which was broadcast worldwide.

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Children sing to “Heiterer Muth” by Josef Strauss. This time the program is dedicated almost exclusively to Joseph and Eduard, brothers of the composer Johann Strauss. Josef is perhaps the most brilliant of the three brothers, Edouard has made the family’s music known worldwide with his orchestra, and Johan will be most famously honored on his 200th birthday in 2025 anyway, Froshauer said.