OnePlus has been focusing on its mid-range portfolio lately and the latest leak falls in the same category – the OnePlus Nord 3 was spotted on the company’s Indian website. Little was revealed other than the name, but the rumor mill surrounding the New North District had been very active for months. to me unofficial roadmap The device should be presented in July. This roadmap was in terms of launching Nord CE 2 Lite and 10R more or less correct. However, with Nord 2T, confirmation is still pending.
OnePlus 10R
Some Alleged technical data It was already from Tipster digital chat station been shared. So the Nord 3 works like a 10R with a Dimensions chipset 8100 And up to 12GB of RAM and 256GB of storage. The smartphone will have a 6.7-inch screen with FHD + resolution and a refresh rate of 120 Hz.
The 10R’s similarities continue with the expected camera setup: a 50MP main camera (IMX766), an 8MP ultrawide camera, and a 2MP depth sensor are expected on the back. The front camera has a resolution of 16 megapixels. The 4500mAh battery charges at a super fast 150W.
OnePlus Ice
It all looks a lot like the 10R, so it’s entirely possible that the leak was a fake given that the OnePlus 10R was actually launched in India. Or it could be a new rebranding – the same smartphone is called in China OnePlus Ice.
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