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Psychology: 3 habits of people who find their lives easy

Psychology: 3 habits of people who find their lives easy

easy going Typical habits of people whose lives seem easy

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Occasional battles and difficult stages cannot be avoided. However, some people find their lives easier and generally happier than others. You can read here why this could be and what many of them contribute themselves.

How difficult or easy our life is for us is subjective and depends on our personal requirements and external living conditions. Do we tend to ruminate? Are we accepting of contradictions and injustice? Are our interests significantly different from those of most people around us? Did we grow up in an unsafe environment and feel unloved when we were young? Our attitude towards life is shaped by many factors that we cannot influence.

That's okay, because there is no definition of what life should feel like. And it certainly doesn't have to be so difficult that we can't take it anymore – and don't survive. On the other hand, it should not be so easy that we develop no resistance and feel hopeless at the slightest cold. Everything in between, everything we manage – no matter how much grace or misstep – falls into a field about which we can say: works.

But the other question is what do we desire. More people are likely to answer: “It could be a little lighter” than “An extra heavy dose, please.” Although we cannot change some life circumstances, we can at least influence our thinking patterns and habits by caring for, cultivating and training them according to our desires. For example, the following habits tend to promote a sense of ease in life.

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Habits of people for whom life seems easy

You share yourself with other people

Exchanging ideas with others and talking to them about your own problems and your own perspective usually gives us immediate comfort, even if the other person is just listening. If in turn she shares her point of view about our descriptions and the things that matter to us, and if we can open ourselves and pay attention to them, this can increase the satisfaction even more: because in this moment our perception is taken into account. A perspective for us, because it turns out that there are other points of view and that our point of view, which our lives may currently show us is the only problem, is not convincing. If our peers' perspective matches our own, we feel confident and become less lonely, which also reduces the perceived burden and makes it more bearable. Some people intuitively and habitually take advantage of all these benefits of interpersonal exchange by talking about their worries and fears – making their lives easier for them.

They spend their free time doing things they love

Most people who take life lightly can list the things they enjoy doing—and they do those things. Yoga, dancing, gardening, painting nails, making your own iced tea, observing the planets, reading, going out to eat with friends, no matter what it is, if we spend our time doing activities we love, there will be heaviness and depression and there will automatically be less space. It's certainly no way out of sadness, depression, or lack of interest in life to simply find some nice hobbies and swing a tennis racket. But those who have emotions, know them and live them usually find their lives easier and more lively than one who does not know and does not do what they love.

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They adapt their goals and expectations to the reality of their lives

If we lived our lives with the goal of making history and making the world a perfect round ball, we would likely find it very stressful. That's why most people usually abandon this expectation between the ages of 13 and 28. But even the smallest, most realistic goals can make our lives disproportionately difficult if we stick to them stubbornly without taking our experiences or unplanned changes and developments into account. People for whom life seems easy set goals on the basis that they will benefit and help them. They provide guidance, perhaps give them a sense of meaning, motivate them and soothe their need for clarity. However, if they notice that their goals are only dragging them down, frustrating them and seeming more and more unattainable, they adjust or abandon them and redirect themselves. They do not view life as something that exists or should have a set schedule, but rather as an open-ended experience in which every path and outcome has equal value.

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