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tax evasion?  US sues ex-linebacker Romanowski

tax evasion? US sues ex-linebacker Romanowski

Violent allegations against former NFL professional.

Bill Romanowski, a former linebacker in the world’s premier football league, is facing a massive lawsuit.

According to consistent US media reports, the 57-year-old and his wife Julie have been sued by the US for over $15 million in tax evasion. The arrears are said to date back to 1998.

The lawsuit says the couple had already been asked to pay an unspecified amount ten years ago, but did not comply with the demand. With interest and legal penalties, the arrears have reportedly increased to more than $15.3 million.

Romanowski, a former NFL pro, was sued by the United States

“Despite proper notice and demand for payment, the Romanowskis ignored, refused or failed to pay the investments against them,” it says. But how did this happen?

According to the indictment, the couple is accused of using funds from their company to pay private bills. This includes expenses such as rent, plastic surgery, spa treatments and groceries.

By improperly using the company’s funds, the couple allegedly “frustrated the collection of personal income tax assessments.”

Bill Romanowski was selected by the San Francisco 49ers in the 1988 draft. He won the Super Bowl twice in six seasons with the Niners. At his later station, the Denver Broncos, he made two more NFL playoff appearances.

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