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The general rule set for artificial intelligence

The general rule set for artificial intelligence

Ministers responsible for communications in European Union countries have agreed on common rules for expanding artificial intelligence (AI) in Europe. The Presidency of the Czech Council announced today that the regulation aims to create legal clarity on the use of artificial intelligence. The Czech Republic currently holds the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. They still have to negotiate the details with the European Parliament.

At their meeting in Brussels, the communications ministers agreed, among other things, to ban the use of artificial intelligence to evaluate people on the basis of their social behavior or personality traits if it leads to flaws.

Criticism of loopholes

In addition, the regulation aims to determine how to proceed with particularly high-risk AI systems. These include, for example, biometric recognition systems and devices used in water and electricity supply. The use of AI in the military sector and purely for research purposes is exempt from the rules.

On the other hand, Green’s Dutch deputy, Kim van Sparentak, criticized the decision. Van Sparentak wrote on Twitter that the text of the agreement lacked “essential safeguards for fundamental rights” and was “riddled with loopholes”.

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