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The Valuable 500 continues to gain momentum as ‘Generation Valuable’ celebrates ADA’s anniversary

Washington, Oct. 1 /PRNewswire/ Today, the Valuable 500 Corporation announced that 28 members from 4 continents have adopted the Leadership Mentoring Program for People with Disabilities.

– Generation Valuable participants will be connected to a C-suite-level mentor in their organization and explore each of the transformational pillars of the Valuable 500

– Early adopters are Telefonica, AXA and ATOS

Today marks the 32nd anniversary of the American Disability Act (ADA). This law changed the world as we know it, giving people with disabilities access to equal buildings and education and making it illegal to discriminate against a qualified person in employment.

While it is important to recognize and celebrate the progress we have made in including people with disabilities, there is still much progress to be made. The way society views disability needs to change and dispel the myth that disability is a matter of pity or fear. By changing this and recognizing how PWD enrich societies, the community will be empowered to ensure PWD are included.

‘Generation of value’ It presents people with disabilities with a unique opportunity to help shape the future of Group C of companies, advance disability inclusion through systemic change, and revolutionize the boardrooms of tomorrow. Building a community of disabled talents who share their experiences upward to educate today’s C-suite on how to make business more inclusive.

Carolyn Casey, founder of the Valuable 500 commented:

“This initiative demonstrates that there is a pool of talent with disabilities within organizations and that they are more than capable of occupying positions of authority and leadership. The Valuable 500 strives to achieve the dire results of one of the The study of tortoise flags to change radically, which states that “the FTSE has no officer or superior identified as a person with a disability.”

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The full list of early adopters includes:

  • Alstom
  • ATOS
  • AXA group
  • Boston Consulting Group
  • Centrica
  • Channel 4
  • Clifford Chance
  • Coles Group
  • Deloitte
  • Enel
  • EY
  • Fidelity International
  • HSBC
  • ISS / AS
  • itv
  • L’Oreal
  • Macquarie group
  • Mahindra
  • Nielsen
  • MSD
  • Omnicom group
  • ottoblock
  • Procter & Gamble
  • ReachPLC
  • rush
  • Springer Nature
  • TD Bank Group
  • Telefonica

Jose Maria Alvarez Ballet, Chairman and CEO of Telefónica commented:

“For Telefónica, contributing to the advancement of people with disabilities is not only a moral imperative, but also talent and business. In the current context, no company can do without a valuable professional. Diversity allows us to better understand the real needs of customers, connect with the community, And to be more creative and productive. Together we need to empower people with disabilities to humanize technology and break down barriers using digitalization. Thank you to Valuable 500 for supporting an innovative initiative like Generation Valuable.”

Find out more about the Valuable 500 over here.

Questions and contact:

Lara Prince,
+44 (0) 7805866625