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US withdraws embassy staff from Kabul

US withdraws embassy staff from Kabul

The withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan is set to begin on Saturday. Just a few days ago, the government saw a threat to its employees in the country – some of them had to leave.

US withdraws part of its embassy staff in the Afghan capital due to dangerous threat situation Accepting From. The U.S. State Department said Tuesday it had ordered the withdrawal of “U.S. government employees at the U.S. embassy” so that “its duties could be performed elsewhere”. The U.S. embassy attributed the incident to “reports of increasing violence and threats in Kabul.” The embassy unit is open.

The United States They are currently preparing to withdraw troops completely from the country of civil war. Withdrawals must be officially completed by May 1st and completed by September 11th. September 11, 2001 marks the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks Afghanistan Invaded.

NATO allies in the United States, including Germany, will withdraw their troops from Afghanistan in the coming months. Observers fear that new violence will escalate once a Western troop withdraws and the radical Islamist Taliban return to power.

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