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What vitamin is missing for muscle pain?

What vitamin is missing for muscle pain?

Muscle pain is not always the same as muscle pain. Causes can also include a deficiency of a certain vitamin. We’ll get to the bottom of this.

Muscle pain can occur in very different parts of the body. Various reasons are possible. In this text we want to limit ourselves to vitamin deficiency as a cause of physical disabilities.

When do we talk about muscle pain?

in Muscle pain — also called myalgia — is described as “stabbing, cramping, pulling, burning, or squeezing pain in the muscle.” In most cases, the back, shoulder, or neck area is affected. Muscle pain can be acute or chronic.

This may be due to “harmless stresses, strains or injuries” that heal on their own. If the pain is chronic, it may be due to poor posture and overuse. They can also be “symptoms accompanying serious diseases that affect the muscles themselves, the nervous system, the skeleton, or other organs.”

What vitamin is missing for muscle pain?

If muscle pain is caused by a nutrient deficiency, the body does not have enough magnesium, calcium, or… vitamin Dr.. Magnesium is loud It is also important for the nerves and heart, and if it is not enough, it affects bone health and can lead to osteoporosis. Calcium is also essential for nerves – and a deficiency can lead not only to osteoporosis but also to dry skin or limited mobility.

This brings us to vitamin D. The so-called sunshine vitamin strengthens bones and muscles and ensures a healthy immune system. There is a risk of supply shortages, especially in the dark season. Therefore, recommends getting enough vitamin D in the spring and summer – that is, in the months when the sun’s rays are strongest in Germany. “About 80 to 90 percent of the vitamin is produced by the body itself when ultraviolet rays hit the skin,” the portal reports.

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How can I get enough vitamin D?

The rule of thumb, which is backed by our pharmacy review, is to spend between five and 25 minutes in the sun every day. However, this value depends on factors such as “skin type, time of year and day, weather, clothing or sunscreen use.” In addition, due to the geographical location in Germany, sunlight between October and March is not sufficient to absorb enough vitamin D.

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The body can store vitamin D from the summer months for use in the less sunny months. But a healthy and conscious diet is even more important. However, according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) There are only a few foods that contain a significant amount of vitamin D – these include fatty marine fish, some offal, and edible mushrooms or eggs. Alternatively, you can use supplements or fortified foods.

However, caution is advised: Although it is not possible to overdose due to sun exposure, excessive intake of vitamin D supplements can have consequences. First of all, the pharmacy survey indicates nausea, abdominal cramps, vomiting, and kidney damage; In the long term, poisoning cannot be ruled out because the body stores the sunshine vitamin.

When is vitamin D deficiency talked about?

According to the RKI, this is the case “if vitamin D is missing in the body over a longer period of time and clinically relevant symptoms occur.” These include rickets or osteomalacia – i.e. bone damage. However, it should be noted that serum vitamin D levels are subject to strong seasonal fluctuations. A value that is too low at once should not be an indication of long-term sunshine vitamin deficiency.

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From a medical standpoint, a possible deficiency can be detected by taking a vitamin D test from a doctor.

Who are people at particular risk of vitamin D deficiency?

Here the RKI primarily mentions people who rarely spend time outdoors. They may also be immobile, have chronic diseases, or are people in need of care. Regardless, older adults are “generally at risk because their production of vitamin D declines with age,” and furthermore, they “usually eat smaller amounts of food, so that less vitamin D is provided through their diet.” .

There is also an increased risk for infants “as they should not be exposed to direct sunlight.” The RKI also mentions “people who, for religious or cultural reasons, only go out with their skin covered, as well as people with dark skin.” The latter is due to the fact that skin with high pigmentation allows less UV rays to pass through.

For another reason, people with chronic diseases of the digestive system, liver or kidneys are also at risk – if they take medications that impair vitamin D metabolism.

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