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12 per cent of UK coronavirus cases involve delta subvariants

12 per cent of UK coronavirus cases involve delta subvariants

A large-scale study by Imperial College London has found that the sub-variant of the coronavirus, AY.4.2, delta is now responsible for more than one in ten new infections in Great Britain. Accordingly, 11.8 percent of the 841 positive samples sequenced from the AY.4.2 subvariable. is set. In all, PCR tests of more than 100,000 people were evaluated for the study.

According to the results, the sub-variable is likely to spread faster than the previously dominant delta variant. Since the last study in September, scientists have calculated daily growth in AY.4.2. A share of 2.8 percent. At the same time, the researchers found that symptomatic diseases were less common.

Typical symptoms are less common

Typical symptoms such as loss or alteration of sense of smell and taste, fever and new persistent cough, come with infection with AY.4.2. Often. Overall, the less frequent occurrence of symptoms is of course a good thing, added study leader Paul Elliott.

Researcher Christel Donnelly, who took part in the study, told Sky News that how the sub-variable will affect the course of the epidemic cannot yet be estimated. The less presenting cases mean that fewer infected cases will be detected, the researcher said. On the other hand, the absence of symptoms such as a cough can also reduce the risk of infection. AY.4.2 sub-variable. It is not classified as a concern by the World Health Organization (WHO), but it is monitored.

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