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5 years of the art association – five years of mission to bring contemporary art to Eisenstadt

5 years of the art association – five years of mission to bring contemporary art to Eisenstadt

Esterhazy is well known in the world of classical music, but in 2014, under the direction of Vitus Weh, they also ventured into the world of contemporary art called “NOW – Esterhazy Contemporary”. In 2018, Weh teamed up with public relations consultant and author Peter Minasi to “establish a law firm interested in art and promoting contemporary art and visual culture.” This partnership has a more understandable name “Kunstverein Eisenstadt”.

Yesterday the Art Society celebrated its fifth anniversary with a small party and a big appointment: Viennese art teacher Monika Georgieva succeeds Barbara Horvath from Ugau as Artistic Director of the Art Society. Horvath moved to Kunsthaus Vienna a few weeks ago (as reported by BVZ).

Art Association eis44wagi

Vitus Weh at the presentation ceremony of the new artistic director, Monika Georgieva, as part of the fifth anniversary celebration.

BFZ, Kaiser

The art association attempts to promote modern art from Burgenland as well as cross-border cooperation with Slovak and Hungarian artists and institutions. This is also the case in the current exhibition “Doomscroll” (i.e. the endless consumption of bad news on social media), curated by Frances Reuter and with Rohrbach artist Katharina Höglinger. ‍

The group exhibition is inspired by Jean-Paul Sartre’s 1938 novel Nausea, in which the protagonist struggles with his isolation, his attachment to the lives of strangers and a sense of alien control – all recognizable as phenomena of today’s life.

Opening hours at Eisenstädter Joseph-Haydn-Gasse 1 are Saturday from 11am to 5pm and Sunday from 1pm to 5pm, admission is free.

Art Association eis44wagi

Rohrbach artist Katharina Höglinger (b. 1983) studied painting and fine arts at the Linz University of the Arts and currently exhibits her colorful photographs in the exhibition “Doomsday Scrolls” at the Eisenstädter Kunstverein.

BFZ, Kaiser

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