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Annika gets everything baked – Dolomitenstadt

Annika gets everything baked – Dolomitenstadt

A student presents her passion and her self-created recipe: chocolate raspberry muffins.

Annika Dishman practically inherited the talent for baking. From a young age she baked with her mother Helga and grandmother Trud. When she was in elementary school, she started getting YouTube videos explaining her new tips and tricks. Today she is the family baker. On birthdays and other holidays, Anika cakes have been served for years.

Anika has been holding a blender in her hand since she was young. Photo: Annika Deishman
Even at the age of 16, Anika still enjoys what she does. Photo: Dolomitenstadt / Seifter

The Kitchen Aid kitchen machine runs at full speed several times a week at Deschmann. Sometimes Annika blocks the family kitchen for several hours. Her parents and brother are both relieved by the idea that the end result will be something delicious. All three are always very pleased with the samples and neighbors and friends are not forgotten either.

“What amazes me the most about baking is that you can conjure up such wonderful things from simple ingredients like flour, butter, and sugar,” says Annika. Every move you make is perfect and the most important tools are always at hand. However, even with such an experienced baker, every now and then something goes wrong. But Anika does not let that discourage her. Try again or change the plan a little. Anika shows a lot of patience for the decorative items that are decorated in cakes and cakes. Flowers are injected from buttercream or small shapes are formed from fondant. With these decorated cakes, Annika always tries to make sure that the taste is not influenced by the decoration. After all, the eyes and palate should benefit from it.

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2019 has Annika with her Instagram account @baking.annika I started. The social media platform provides her with a convenient way to present her creations and inspire others to bake. At the same time, she can exchange ideas with her fellow bakers there. However, only delicacies that Annika especially like are published on the popular platform. However, 1,000 followers can see a wide range of Annika’s baking talents. From biscuits to gingerbread cookies to gingerbread houses, there is something for every occasion and taste.

A 16-year-old girl rarely bakes according to a specific recipe; She prefers to use her basic recipes and modify them as she pleases. With your own creations, it is especially important to make sure that the dough, filling and fruit go well together. Annika loves to be inspired by nature, she uses seasonal fruits or flowers from the garden. Chocolate raspberry cakes are also self-assembled and have definitely passed the taste test of the Dolomitenstadt editorial team.

Here is the recipe: Raspberry Chocolate Cupcake

“For me, baking is the perfect balance between school and dancing. Of course you have to focus a lot, but for me this is also quite relaxing,” explains Anika.