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Direct shopping: Austrians’ favorite clothes

Direct shopping: Austrians’ favorite clothes

Hand shopping is very trendy. There are more and more people who are interested in used clothes, especially online. Just in time for spring shopping, online has analyzed the most popular fashion brands.

Austria. Many people want to renew their wardrobe especially at the beginning of spring. Second-hand fashion is a popular alternative to buying new products, because it not only saves money, but also uses existing resources. is one of the most popular contact points in Austria.

According to Broadcast, more than two million items of clothing are for sale on the platform. Sports shoes, sunglasses, jackets, dresses and handbags are currently the most frequently sought after products by buyers. The most popular brands show that researchers are more interested in big fashion houses and more exclusive brands. The search queries of female users and male users differ in the sense that men are more likely to search for specific products and women for brands or designers.

In line with the start of spring shopping, has analyzed the most popular fashion brands.  |  Photo: Unsplash

The most famous brands

Men and women often search for the brand of sports shoes Nike. Adidas, New Blance, and Converse are also in the top five.
Ray-Ban’s gender-independent models are very popular when it comes to sunglasses. Women are also interested in Gucci, Chanel, Prada and Dior glasses, while men are interested in Oakley, Cartier, Tom Ford and Carrera brands.
Obviously, Moncler jackets are in the first place for both sexes. Wellensteyn and Barbour are also among the five most sought after jacket brands.
Unlike other categories, the top 10 searches for clothing include many non-luxury brands, such as Zara, Desigual, Esprit, and Mango.
When it comes to handbags, more exclusive brands are sought after, such as Louis Vuitton, Liebeskind or Michael Kors.

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Used directions

A survey by Statista shows that 17 percent of Austrians buy used clothes, 12 percent buy used books, movies, music and games, and 11 percent buy shoes. wants to push second-hand purchases even further. “If you want to be smart, you want” campaign. It aims to motivate people to make sustainable purchasing decisions that are not only good for the environment, but are also in no way inferior to new products when it comes to trends.

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