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Korneauborg Region – Money is not that loose

Korneauborg Region – Money is not that loose

The Christmas business has already begun in Gabriela Gmeinböck’s jewelry store in Stockerau: “People are already buying.” It’s not always about the value of what was bought, it’s about making people happy. “Probably positive this year,” Geminbok comments on the expected course of action.

In Korneuburg you are ready for Christmas in the watch and jewelry box. “The exhibits are already covered,” says Daniela Schneider. She does not dare to predict how the business will go, “at first it is always slow.”

At Piccolina’s toy store in Korneuburg, customer frequency has been higher for about four weeks. Owner Sonja Wild isn’t expecting record sales, though. She’s hoping to be able to match the previous year’s number, because one thing has been clear for months: “People are saving!” says Wilde. What’s so popular about Piccolina are jukeboxes, Wild says, “and of course the demand for the game of the year, Cascadia, is there.”

“We have many small and large gifts in store,” says Sabine Pausch from Lady2 – Das Modewohnzimmer in Korneuburg. The Christmas business has not started yet, but more and more accessories are being purchased. Then Pausch offers promotions in December, and there is also a free packaging service. She also has little things ready for customers, “In December it’s Christmas for us every day.”

At Linda’s fashion store in Stockerau, customers seem to already be acclimating to the cooler room temperatures. “Warm pullovers and cozy home suits are trendy,” says director Linda Burgardt. Customers are still somewhat wary when buying, “but I’m confident,” she says.

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Michael Maderner, owner of Sport Mike in Stockerau, says the “classic” Christmas business no longer exists in the sporting goods business. You buy something when you need it. What is bought as Christmas gifts are most likely coupons. Then it’s often bundled up in January, “We kind of have a Christmas business there,” Maderner says.