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Music stars sing “Together for Ukraine”

Music stars sing “Together for Ukraine”

(c) Sandra Kozel

On the initiative of Marjan Shaki and Lukas Bermann, Vereinigte Bühnen Wien, the Wien Holding company, is organizing the “Together for Ukraine” concert on March 28, 2022 at Raymond Theatre.

Without fees

Crowd favorites such as Abla Alaoui, Annemieke van Dam, Elisabeth Engstler, Maya Hakvoort, Vanessa Heinz, Ann Mandrella, Barbara Obermeier, Wietske van Tongeren, Alexander Auler, Vincent Bueno, Dominik Hees, Christian Rey Marbella, Felix Martin and Rory Six Special this concert Very much with piano with initiators Shaki & Berman together on stage. In an intimate atmosphere, they sing their favorite songs to people in need. All artists perform at no charge, and the proceeds of the evening go to “VBW Helps People in Emergencies”, which supports the non-profit association “kleine Herzen” and “Nachbar in Not”. Consequently, United Theaters Vienna, Marjan Shaki and Lukas Bermann continue the longstanding tradition of benefit events, first launched in 2010 on the occasion of the earthquake in Haiti.

“We are shocked that in the 21st century such wars are waged mercilessly, countries are attacked in the most cruel ways. No one is victorious from hatred and greed. Solidarity, Ukrainian courage, love and belief in the good are stronger weapons than brutality and cruelty. The suffering caused by human hands makes you angry and in the same Time is infinitely sad. It remains only for all of us to do what needs to be done: stand together and help – with all our capabilities.”

Already collected 50,000 euros

For more than two weeks, the CATS and MISS SAIGON teams have also been raising funds every evening after performances at the Ronacher and Raimund Theater to support people in need due to the current situation in Ukraine. In the meantime, more than 50,000 euros have already been raised through the association “VBW Helps People in Emergencies”, which will benefit “neighbors in need” and “Caritas” for assistance on site.

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Managing Director of VBW Professor Dr. Franz Patai and Music Director of VBW Christian Strobek: “The current situation in Ukraine is shaking the whole world. On the initiative of Marjan Shaki & Lukas Bermann, to whom we owe a huge thank you, we are organizing an intimate concert at the Raimund Theater to raise funds for local residents. Many artists will be performing with us Celebrities from the music world this evening are free to mark a solidarity sign like us. Together and with much music, we want to express our sympathy for the horrific events currently taking place at this concert. The proceeds are intended to help those in extreme distress as a result of this struggle.”

before sales

Together for Ukraine – March 28, 2022, 6:30 pm / Raymond Theatre
Pre-sales start March 11, 2022. Tickets at www.musicalvienna.atat Wien Ticket at 01/588 85-111 and at all VEREINIGTE BÜHNEN WIEN pre-booking offices.