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Rockoverlienz 2022: finally unleashed!

Rockoverlienz 2022: finally unleashed!

Line up: Fourtunez, Rise of Voltage, Hard Excess, and Manomore’s huge honors squad.

Werner Lebenwyn and the “tent drivers” succeeded in Oberlienz. After the dreary summer of the pandemic, Unter der Linde will finally be heated again this year to celebrate its 20th anniversary. Rockoverlienz 2022 takes place on Friday, July 1, from 6 p.m., and promises to be anything but “light,” even though that’s the subtitle of this year’s edition of the festival classic. exactly the contrary.

The last time, that was 2018, Unter der Linde had an alpine rock headline with Hana, this year, on the other hand, with “Manomore” an excellent tribute band from Manowar from Hungary making the headlines in the evening, surrounded by a non-profit band. Indestructible fans of local hard rock “Hard Excess” and the metal group “Rise of Voltage” from the South Tyrolean Ultental. The public will enjoy a home game of the big players in Oberlienz “Fourtunez”, who have gone out of the ordinary for the women’s 3:1 ratio, but started the evening on a fresher note.

A tough ‘men’s evening’ in Oberlins begins and grows: the Fourtunez has a home game. Photo: Lupinewyn
Voltage hike from South Tyrol. You know a player from a completely different angle. Image: high voltage
always good! Hard Excess with Patrick Munitzer (bass), Caspar Zanon (vocals and guitar), Eddie Engrober (drums), and Patrick Engrober (guitar). Image: hard surplus
From the gym to the theater under the lemon tree: Manumor. The Honor Band from Hungary perfectly recreates the true metal of Manowar. Photo: Manumur

So why “light”? “Because it can always be harder,” Werner Lubinwen says with a wink. This year’s lineup doesn’t really have a big name, but it still promises one – many have been eagerly waiting for it! – An outdoor metal rock evening with high attraction and deep music quality.

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The five-piece troupe Manomore from Hungary interprets the glam jingles of their role models so perfectly and original that fans of Manowar’s True Metal “Pure” will be in awe. “Hard Excess” fits into this style perfectly, and the veterans of oriental and Tyrolean rock perform the best technically and musically and are live performers with heart and soul. “Rise of Voltage” increases tension just because a prominent athlete plays alongside, who does not want to be named at the moment.

Rock Love Festival
Oberlienz on July 1 from 6 pm
Tickets are available from Monday 20 June for €20 at Dolomitenbank in Lienz and at Gasthof Mosmair in Oberlienz.