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Tageshaw Farewell: Linda Zarvakis announces her new job and reveals her plan with Merkel

Tageshaw Farewell: Linda Zarvakis announces her new job and reveals her plan with Merkel

With Linda Zervakis, “Tagesschau” lost another familiar face within six months. The Hamburg resident turns to her fans with the news on Instagram.

Update from April 28 11:45 am: Now he’s off! Former Tageschaw spokeswoman Linda Zarvakis has changed to ProSieben’s private broadcasting station. The presenter announced, on Wednesday, on her channel on Instagram. “There were a lot of rumors and since today it’s official: Matthias and I will soon be the new couple on prosieben. I wrote with the short and abbreviated title“ Zervakis & Opdenhövel live. ”The accompanying spokeswoman posted a photo with moderator Matthias Obdenhövel.

ProSieben announced Wednesday that they should both provide information, interviews, and background information. The format should operate weekly at prime time from 8.15pm to 10.15pm. “I can do it for a quarter of an hour. Now I have to prove that I can last for one and three quarters of an hour,” the 45-year-old said, referring to her many years of experience in Germany.
The most popular news program.

“Zervakis & Opdenhövel. Live ”should start before the federal election in the fall. Zervakis especially wants a certain guest: “Chancellor Angela Merkel can stop shortly before Christmas as a political retiree.”

“Now is the time for such a program – position information,” added Obdenhoffel. Several points are planned each evening. “We want to tackle the big seemingly complicated issues.”

First report from April 26th, 9.45pm:

MUNICH – It never showed anything and ran “Tagesschau” ARD as if it was just one of her many shows. This was her last appearance as a spokesperson for Germany’s most-watched news program. With the end of “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!” Linda Zarvakis called out the audience, and thus also what may be Germany’s most famous studio.

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On Monday evening, the 45-year-old read the latest news of the day at 8 pm. Among other things, it centered around the vaccination summit, military spending and the commemoration of the Chernobyl disaster 35 years ago. At the end of the fifteen-minute period, she did not use large gestures or additional farewell words. He left instead
They do this in a public farewell to the audience. “Have a nice evening.” Zervakis, dressed in a bright red jacket with a smile, said, “Do well and stay healthy.

Linda Zarvakis: Ouzou and a bouquet of flowers for ARD farewell – at least for “Today’s Topics”

A second farewell followed later in the evening. For ARD “Tagesthemen,” Zervakis read the news overview once again. There the woman from Hamburg was honored at the farewell and there were also small flowers. After Ingo Zamperoni presented his colleague – along with face masks – a large bouquet of flowers, he said, “We’re going to miss you very, very much.” Zervakis was very happy and thanked him with a round of liqueur. “No Greek farewell without ouzo,” said the 45-year-old to the Zambeeroni toast.

Farewell to Ozu: Linda Zarvakis left Tageschaw and Tagstimmen.

© Screen capture: ARD Media Library

There were also warm words in social networks: Soon after the broadcast, users on Twitter praised Zervakis as “the most sympathetic voice on Tagesschau” and “always clear, reliable and charming.” However, some were surprised that there were no bouquets of flowers or farewell words in Tageschau.

Tageshaw Farewell to Zervakis: spokeswoman for the 8pm newscast since 2013

Zervakis has been with ARD-aktuell since 2006 and has also talked about the 8 pm news about the ARD flagship since 2013. The news program currently attracts over ten million viewers daily on all channels. ARD-aktuell’s editor-in-chief, Marcus Bornheim, said in early April when the farewell letter was announced that Tageschau valued Zervakis very much as a person and a colleague. He said on the broadcast website that Tageschaw deeply regrets having to dispense with Linda Zarvakis.

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But in recent years, Zervakis didn’t become a well-known TV face just because of “Tagesschau”. The Greek-born journalist, who lives with her family in Hamburg, is increasingly seen outside Tageschau. On “Linda Zervakis: Alles auf Anfang”, she went on a journey back in time to formative places with notable guests, participated in several celebrity contest shows, and prepared the “Gute Deutsche” podcast with interviews with immigrants. Active background in the social network Instagram . She has also written books, so in 2020 brought Etsikietsi bestsellers. In search of my roots. “

Lady In Red: Linda Zarvakis called “ARD” Tageshaw.

© ARD screenshot

Tagesschau Farewell Zervakis: Also active as an audiobook speaker and actress in music videos

Most recently, she and co-worker Karen Musga made a name for themselves because together they read Everyone Got So Serious by Benjamin von Stackrad Barry and Martin Sutter as an audiobook. In the past few years, she has also appeared in music videos by Beginner, Deichkind and Die Ärzte bands.

How will things go for them after Tageshaw?, You didn’t want to reveal it at first. But she wants it on hers
She announced her Instagram account, promising her followers the beginning of April. Zervakis found there words to say good-bye Monday: “Those were eight exciting and wonderful years.” She thanked the entire team in front of and behind the camera: “Thank you for letting me be a part of you and a lot of you over the years I don’t want to be without him.” She was also enthusiastic about the audience’s post over the past few days: “Simply indescribable.”

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In mid-December 2020, Tageschaw spokesperson Jan Hoover (69) resigned after nearly 36 years of service. He has since become a candidate for RTL’s dance program “Let’s Dance” and will in the future be the presenter of a new weekly news program on RTL’s evening main program. On his final show, he took off his red tie with a smile as he bid farewell to the crowd. (dpa / mg)

List of assessment roster lists: © STEFAN_SCHMIDBAUER via