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The unpopular ‘Who Wants to Be a Millionaire’ candidate justifies herself after her shocking appearance

The unpopular ‘Who Wants to Be a Millionaire’ candidate justifies herself after her shocking appearance

Silvia Koymans caused some viewers to be upset with her statements.

Silvia Koymans caused some viewers to be upset with her statements.Photo: RTL / Stefan Gregorowius

In the latest issue of “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” Hochster candidate Silvia Koymans has caused outrage and shocked Gunter Gautsch with the comments about her daughter. Before it really started, she complained to the coordinator that she had four sons but “happily only one daughter”. “Yes, my daughter Julia is very kind and gentle, but she is also exhausted like girls,” she said.

Kooymans also added, “You put things on the boys’ side—four jeans and a jacket. You put them on your daughter and she changes three times—already at the age of two.” She’s now 20 and still living at home because she doesn’t want to go out, according to the candidate. “The worst is over,” she said. employment Twitter There was a lot of criticism of the candidate during the performance. One user wrote: “It’s good that the 2021 tournament ends with the most unsympathetic ‘WWM’ candidate. It’s terrible what she says about her daughter.”

Another user said: “Directly unsympathetic when she complains about her daughter in this way. It should be meant to be fun, but at least to me it sounds mean.” Someone simply asked, “How can you always make your daughter so bad?” However, the Kooymans don’t notice any of the comments because they don’t have Twitter or Facebook social networking site She said nowpictureWith the daughter, she explained, “everything was fine, too.”

The candidate talks about her appearance on ‘WWM’

Finally, Koemans said after the broadcast of “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”: We watched the show together yesterday. Everything is fine with us. We both know who we are. Whenever I tell my daughter it’s tough, she’ll say it’s true. And I want to know where you got it.”

You haven't read what was written about it on the Internet.

You haven’t read what was written about it on the Internet.Photo: RTL / Stefan Gregorowius

Your daughter will now be contacted by other viewers via Facebook. The candidate said: “It made her a little insecure. But I told her people probably had nothing else to do. And make something big out of it. Not only did I say she was exhausting, but I also said she was kind and gentle.”

Each of children She emphasized that he knew what that meant, like the five of them in particular. Your daughter has not yet thought of leaving. “And she doesn’t intend to do that now either,” Koymans eventually explained.
