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This ‘Batman’ scene has been repeated over 200 times

This ‘Batman’ scene has been repeated over 200 times

Paul Dano plays the fearsome Riddler in Batman. As director Matt Reeves revealed, he placed great value on instant performance.

In the March 3, 2022 The new DC movie finally starts “Batman” In cinemas. Expectations are high. And it looks like they’ve been restricted too: on the review page rotten tomatoes Director Matt Reeves’ film has 86 percent of critics based on the current status of 211 reviews. Not only the very dark atmosphere of the film is praised, but also the performance of the actors.

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Paul Dano in particular must have been a true revealer like the Riddler. And that says something, considering that in addition to Danos Riddler, Colin Farrell as Oswald Coplebot aka Penguin and John Turturro as Carmine Falcone is also on board. The 37-year-old Dano designed Batman’s antagonist to appear more like a serial killer than a criminal. This horrifying portrayal gave even experienced mime nights, as he did in conversation with him Entertainment Weekly I showed:

“There were some nights where I couldn’t sleep as well as I would have liked because it was a bit hard to get rid of this character. It takes a lot of energy to get there. So you have to keep going once you’ve done it because it’s hard to turn on and off afterwards” .

Paul Dano’s approach certainly didn’t hurt the end product, as you can see in the latest trailer for The Batman.

Batman – German 3 Trailer

“Batman”: Paul Dano gave everything for the movie

So it appears Dano has been “personal” throughout filming, as the term calls it. And who wouldn’t be exhausted from having to maintain a psychopathy mindset for so long. But Dano’s penchant for perfection went much further: he came up with the idea of ​​wrapping Riddler’s head in foil himself (via Hollywood Reporters). He kept this type of mask throughout the filming, although it got very hot under the tin and his face turned red.

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And for Dano, all the details must be correct. Even in a scene that is supposed to be banal. Director Matt Reeves recalls filming a specific scene in which Robert Pattinson video Batman video chats with Riddler. The team filmed the Riddler shot in the smartphone an estimated 200 times, mostly at Dano’s own request, notes Reeves:

He said, ‘Let me try one where I’m out of the picture and put my head in the camera. Then, “Let me try one while I’m sitting there.” He directs this single on the iPhone. It was this rush that captured me. […] He was very creative and creative. He is also very self-critical.”

Now you can find out for yourself in the cinema whether the result is convincing.

But before that, you can still check if you’re familiar with Batman at all:

Batman Quiz: How well do you know the Dark Knight?

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