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Private Party: Sahra Wagenknecht wants to reveal herself on Monday

Private Party: Sahra Wagenknecht wants to reveal herself on Monday

Left-wing politician Sahira Wagenknecht founded an association that could be a precursor to a new party. This would change German policy.

“BSW – For Reason and Justice H.V.” It is the name of a German association that is at the beginning of a process that will in turn lead to changing the German political landscape. The abbreviation BSW stands for Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht. The most famous politician from the Left Party has been thinking about the idea of ​​establishing her own party for months. Her office confirmed on Thursday that she had established the association to form a new political movement.

Wagenknecht has now announced a press conference on Monday. It is not surprising that she wants to break away from the left. The 54-year-old admitted that she was thinking of starting a party. It was previously said that she wanted to make a decision by the end of the year. German media reported that she would speak publicly after the elections in the states of Bavaria and Hesse, which took place on October 8. There were also signs in her environment that serious efforts were being made: Wagenknecht’s husband, co-founder of the Left, Oscar La Fontaine, had spoken out in favor of a new political movement. He also publicly reconciled with former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder. The two had separated over a dispute two decades earlier, with La Fontaine leaving the Social Democratic Party over Schröder’s social reforms and later founding the Left Party.

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